Thursday, December 20, 2012

1/3 Check-in

I'm one third of the way though my exchange year! How crazy is that!?

These last few days school have been practically non-existant. I didn't even go today because only 5 other students showed up on Wednesday, and only one of them was planning to go today. Officially, there is school tomorrow, but most of the "instituto" (upperclassmen) students ditch. Either way, I'm catching a four o'clock flight to England *big smile* so I'm not going to school. As much as I enjoy missing school (like any normal teenager), a surprisingly large part of me is sad when I don't go to school. I love getting to see my friends everyday and having something to do with my time. This past trimester my improvement socially and academically was tremendous. I started off as the weird, blonde exchange student who barely knew any Spanish, and now I'm more or less just one of the class. We received our grades today and I did a lot better than I'd originally thought I'd do:
Physical Education - 7
Spanish Literature - 4
Science - 5
Philosophy - 1
English - 10
History - 4
Latin - 10
Greek - 9
French - 9
Group Project - 7
Keep in mind that a 5 is good (all the grades are out of 10) and anything about a 7 is exceptionally rare. Considering that I'd expected to pass Latin, English, and PE, I'm pretty pleased with my "notas."

I found out today that I'm going to be living with +Vanessa LUSA's host family come January. I'm not for sure what my moving date will be, but it should be somewhere around the 6th or 15th. More news on this to follow :)

As for my "viaje" to England, I'm going to be staying with my Rotary counselor Nina's family in Winchester. I get to spend a night in London with my friends the Jones family (major "yay" on this one). I'm planning to post something while I'm there, so keep an eye out for my post.

That's all for now, I hope everyone has a very, very Merry Christmas!!
Love From Marbella,

P.S. my conscience is slowly loosing its ability to spell in English -- I had to go back through this so many times to fix my spelling! Yikes!!

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