My worst enemy at the moment are the stairs. Marble, slippery, and out-to-get-me, the spanish stairs are everywhere. My host house has three flights of twisting stairs, which I run (who am I kidding, I don't run I trip) up and down countless times per day. Add in the additional four flights of stairs that I climb daily at school, plus the two flights in my counsellor's house, and the possibilites for falling become endless. I'd really like to be able to blame my lack of coordination on socks or slippers, but I seem to fall no matter what sort of footwear I happen to have on. Luckily, I rarely fall; out of the four times I've tripped on the stairs so far today, I only fell to my hands once! Thankfully, I haven't been seriously injured (yet... knock on wood); hopefully with a bit more practice I can arrive home a stair-climbing master.
Thats all for now folks! I'm off to Granada in the morning, so look forward to a post about what I hope will be a fantastic adventure in the snow-covered city.
Love from Marbella,
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